Sunday, November 22, 2009


I just watched Julie & Julia tonight! It was so fun! And now I want to cook, blog, write...go to France (oh wait, I've wanted to do that for a very long time). My mom had been bugging me to see it for a while, and so Hannah and I decided that when it got the dollar theater we'd go see it together. So tonight we finally did. It made me miss Caitlin who's in Paris right now. It made me want to be more adventurous with my cooking. And it reminded me to come back to my blog. I want to get better about remembering to post on here. Anything, everything. Maybe I'll start cooking and blogging like Julie...Or at least I can plan to do so this month!

For today (because I finished writing this blog post at a different juncture - Nov. 28th) I intend to try my hand at cake! And not just any cake! I'm using a recipe I found on Real Simple's website (I love that magazine) for Chocolate-Early Grey Cake. Sounds interesting, huh? I thought so, too! Ok, well now I'm off to buy the ingredients I don't have! Have a wonderful day and I'll tell you how it went when it's done!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I'm doing it. I'm writing something for NaNoWriMo. I don't know what will happen or how it will end, however, I'm writing. And that's the whole point. By the end I probably won't have more than a page of good story with the rest of it being worthless drivel, but I'm writing. :) Just thought I'd let you know! I'm not yet to 3,000 words, and by today I should have closer to 10,000...alas, I'll hopefully have time to get caught up over the weekend.