Wednesday, March 11, 2009

breaking lent...oops

this morning, without thinking, I bought myself a tall coffee from Starbucks and now my brain is whirring noisily like a spinning top...I'm having a problem writing about anything because my mind can't sit still long enough for me to think about something to write! It's really weird...The hard part is that it's not anything coherent that my mind is jumping around doing, it's just going going going and I can't even discern what it's bouncing around between....I think spinning top analogy is appropriate because it feels like it's moving too quickly for me to see what design is on the top, if that makes sense...everything is just a blur or motion, sounds, and emotions...e-motions...what is that? e-motions, electronic motions...a dancing robot, or really machinery that runs on electricity and moves? that's strange if you think about "e" like in e-mail or whatever...speaking of which it's funny that you can buy tickets online to shows and they are e-tickets, but they aren't E-ticket shows or rides, necessarily...strange...well I'm going to stop trying to follow this dizzying spin of thoughts, etc. I'll post again when the caffeine has worn off, a bit.

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