Tuesday, December 16, 2008

a transformer Transformer

This morning started fairly normally when I woke up and got ready like any other morning, for the most part. Then, on my way to the office (the Biola one first and then later the ThinkinBig one), I stopped by a grocery store to pick up the things I was to contribute to the Registrar's Office Christmas party today. I also stopped at my old Chiropractor's office to pick up some medicine for Lorraine, my boss at ThinkinBig. After seeing how very little Dr. Parlee has changed, I got back on my way towards Biola. I took a route that would be faster since I'd spent so much time picking up the hot chocolate and the medicine. I got to La Mirada by 8:15 and decided I should pick up something festive to make the present I was to bring to the Christmas Party look a bit more appealing. I didn't notice anything different until I walked up to Metzger and saw a bit of a cart convention, mostly campus safety looking sorts. Well as I walk up I'm told that a transformer has exploded in Metzger and that the bottom floor is closed but with the windows on the top two floors, they're open. I figure if I go inside I'll be able to better figure out what's going on in the Registrar's office. I found my co-workers hanging out eating the breakfast-y party foods that had been brought and find out that most of them found out before they got to work, or while on their way. In the end I got to spend about an hour and a half or better wandering around campus (which had not lost power, but didn't have any internet service because the network in Metzger was without power) I ran into Amy and Sarah and Gina and Erin and Rusty, which was nice. Then, after helping to set-up/decorate for the party, enjoyed some awesome food before getting into my car and heading to where I currently sit: The ThinkinBig Office in Corona Del Mar. I've just finished pretty much, all there is for me to do today because we're waiting on a few things to get here before we can move ahead. Well, that's all for now. I'm wondering what tomorrow's going to be like! Until then!

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