Here you go, as promised, various pictures of the previous adventures. Unfortunately I took this one with my phone so it's sideways, but you can see what the cup pies looked like at least. Apple was a hit. These were all that were left after the party, and there was only one after the end of the work day! :-D
I'm afraid I don't have any pictures of the English Toffee, but those who got some can verify its existence (even if it did only exist for a brief period of time - which seemed briefer still after it was given out, sorry to the spouses of my co-workers who never saw any (-; ).
Ok, so I called this the picture post and there are already a lot more words than pictures, alas, what can I saw, the blogs title is words, words, words. :-) Speaking of blog names and whatnot. I'll warn you again before and after I move, but I'll be moving blogs. It's not that I don't like this one, it's just that when Becky and I decided to name our bookstore-to-come words words words, I realized that I already had something named along those lines and I want to work, in this coming year, on the branding for that, therefore I figured keeping a blog with a similar name that isn't entirely related probably wasn't the best idea for business-to-come.
Perhaps while I'm still not posting pictures I should at least tell of some of the other things I've since crafted in the kitchen but neglected to take pictures of. The first of which being the main dish for my Christmas Eve dinner with my immediate family. I re-made a recipe I've made before from the amazing Real Simple recipe box I have. It's a pan-seared chicken dish with potatoes and I used tarragon this time instead of any of the other herbs I could have used, and this amazing dry white wine sauce! A couple days after Christmas, because I was feeling in the mood for French Onion soup, I found in my new "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" by Julia Childs, a delightful recipe for such a soup. It was phenomenal - then again, I'm a tad biased. Adria can be the judge, as she's the only other person who had some. Then, tonight, I made for my flattie, Stephen, and myself, some amazing hot chocolate straight out of my new Disney Dessert cookbook. :-) Anyway, that's it for now on my cooking escapades. I'm sure there'll be more later to tell of.
Those all sound yummy. And as someone who received the English Toffee, it was one of the best presents I got this year :-)
ReplyDeleteI would love to try some of that hot chocolate sometime! :)