Well last weekend sure was a lot of fun! There's a nice kind of quiet that settles on the campus during interterm, whether that's because there are significantly fewer students around or because it's just that time of year, I'm not sure. It's probably both. Well last week was the beginning of that and it's nice! This last week ended with a half-day on Friday and so I went and met up with my good friend Ash for lunch! It was a blast hanging out and chatting and she bought lunch for me which was awesome! But the weekend only continued to get better from there! Friday evening I joined a group of friends to watch The Fall (a film I'd been wanting to see for a while, starring the amazing Lee Pace) and then we played Apples to Apples! Of course Friday night only got better because I got to go pick up Becky (my doppelganger) from the trainstation! Then, after staying up way to late and singing in Newsies Time ;) we got up early-ish and went to have breakfast before spending a most marvelous day in the Happiest Place on Earth! We met up with Ash and the three of us painted the town purple (in honor of Becky's birthday of course) doing so many rides! Then around 3 or 4 ish Dani showed up and we spent most of the rest of the night doing the rides in Fantasyland! To wrap it up we went and had celebretory desserts at the Napa Rose Lounge. For some strange reason though we seemed to be bad luck for three of the rides we were trying to get on. When we first went to Indiana Jones, it was down, then it opened back up but once on it stopped for a while...then when we were part way into Alice and Wonderland it stopped and we had to be walked out by a Castmember and then as we were in line for Snow White's Scary Adventure the ride stopped for a few minutes but started again and didn't have problems again while we were around it. It was a fun evening, to say the least!
Sunday morning Becky and I went to RH and the message must have been directed at me! I know it was! But more on that later. After that we went to lunch at Gypsy Den Cafe and then off to double-feature Sunday! It was such a fun weekend, all told! Besides that I found out this weekend that I was given the spot in an apartment that I'd been looking at! Yay! So I'm going to be moving closer to work and friends into the little town of Fullerton! Fullerton is technically my first home and it has always been a place I've liked. I'm excited about what this move will mean for my time here in So.Cal! Well, that's it for now. Until next time!
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