so as not to read and be confused, I suggest you go read the two posts below this, starting with the lowest one.
It's that time of year when no matter how interesting the lesson may be, even the best students in class have a hard time paying attention. This season of time comes every year and to everyone from the kindergartners to the graduate students, and on occasion even to the teachers themselves. Everyone in any one of these situations feels as if no one else could possibly imagine this torture they are enduring; none of this is more true than in the case of high school seniors. But yet, of a sudden, from one classroom in one high school the whole world over uproarious laughter is heard; it appears that a someone has finally found the antidote to these horrible springtime doldrums. As Ms. StClaire (the senior English teacher and head of the theatre club at Bohemia High - home of the Bears. She's of a more eccentric/free-spirited nature that would fit a good Theatre/English teacher) has been made head of the entertainment for the Summertide Upon Bohemia Festival, she decided to proverbially kill the two proverbial birds with a single project, I mean stone. She has just announced to her 3rd period English class:
"You are going to be selecting a scene from a good rolicking, Shakespeare comedy to perform in a compilation of scenes at the Summertide Upon Bohemia Festival." The laughter heard in earlier an earlier paragraph was the response, from that wonderful class of seniors, to this announcement. When Ms. StClaire went on, the class' laughter was quickly overtaken by the silence of courtroom at the reading of the verdict. "Now, during your tenure"; Ms. StClaire used words like tenure all the time, it's the way she works, "here at Bohemia High you've read a good number of Shakespeare's plays including the usual dramas: Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. Many of you have also read Much Ado About Nothing, the next three we've read in the last year, so they should be fresh in your minds: Twelfth Night, Midsummer Night's Dream, and Taming of the Shrew".
"Ms. StClaire!" Complained two voices from the back of the classroom, accompanied by two identically and indignantly raised hands belonging to Ethan and Dan Wallace. But before they could voice their many objections to such an assignment, they were rudely interrupted by Chad Davis.
"Excuse me, but Summertide Upon Bohemia takes place the day after graduation which means that you, Ms. StClaire, have no right or authority to assign such a project as it falls outside your jurisdiction."
"Excuse you indeed, Mr. Davis," replied Ms. StClaire, "as you should not be speaking out of turn; it is out of your jurisdiction. Class, however rudely he may put it, Mr. Davis would have a point that I see many of you are agreeing with. To put your minds at ease, I've already made allowances for that". Slowly, the twins hands returned to their desks from the air along with their hopes of getting out of this assignment. Ms. StClaire went on. "Last week I talked to all of your parents as well as Principal Barrie and they all seemed pleased with the idea..."
Just as she finished this sentence (or as the students saw it, sentencing) the bell rang for the class to go to lunch.
....more to come...
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