Wednesday, April 15, 2009

lunch time pt. 2

Audrey and Jenny made it quickly through the lunch lines and headed off to eat lunch in the theatre classroom, as is their habit.

However, we're staying in the cafeteria for now. In a few minutes, oh wait, it's starting: see Ronnie Bertram there walking boldly (as boldly as he can) toward the Davis twins' usual table? It seems we're not the only ones caught off guard by it as a small number of students have turned their gaze that direction as well. Let's move in to find out what's going on.

With a quiet "ah-hem" Ronnie tried to catch the attention of Ethan, being too afraid to touch him and risk possible physical injury, to start a conversation. However with the years of practice most people at Bohemia High have of ignoring Ronnie, the small cough didn't do much to catch anyone's ear.

"mʀ[χ]xʷ’m"* Said Ronnie, more matter-of-fact-ly this time. When IPA is thrown in, with a nice link, it makes it more difficult to ignore. So, with a rather confused look, Ethan turned to see who was throwing IPA around to get his attention.

"Hey Dan, check out Berty over here! Hey Berty," as that's how they always referred to Ronnie, "where'd you learn to do that?"

"Oh, that? I've been talking in IPA for years!" Replied Berty, I mean Ronnie, with such enthusiasm about someone noticing the IPA that he almost forgot what he came over to talk about.

"Neat trick" said Dan. "Did you need something?"

"Right, straight to business" fidgeted Ronnie. "Well, you see...ummm...uh, you know", he couldn't say it here, not with all of these witnesses. "CanIbuyyouacupofcoffeeatIshmael'stodayafterschool?Ihaveabusinesspropositionforyou" Ronnie blurted out as one word.

Ethan responded in his usual quip-ish nature, "Sure, but no caffeine for you or I doubt we'll be able to understand the proposition!"

Dan confirmed "3:30 at Ishmael's?" with a vigourusly nodding, but silent (because he was afraid he might toss his cookies as the attention from the surrounding students and the aquiescense from the twins was more than he could take at once) Ronnie.

More to come probably tomorrow since I was bad at updating this week.

*to those of you who know IPA and may actually be able to correctly transcribe an attention getting cough, please let me know what it looks like, I'd like to be accurate!

1 comment:

  1. I am noticing a "we" emerging in this story... which makes me feel like I and the narrator are invisible onlookers in this story...

    ...Which is cool. I've never been invisible before.
