So as to clear up any confusion: the last 3 posts have been part of a story I decided to write. I'm coming up with some rules of the writing as I go along:
1. it can only be written/worked on/edited, etc. while a blog-post-editing window is open!
2. thoughts about it are allowed to happen during other times, but that's it!
3. unless for some strange reason I have time or feel the absolute need to write over the weekend, posts and additions to the story will only be added during the Monday-Friday week!
4. there really isn't a 4th rule yet, but I just thought I should let you know about the above 3
Also, in case you're wondering the general story idea is one I've been playing around with for a while, thanks to a comment Ashley made one day about events in my own life. That doesn't mean, however that these situations come from my own life.
and finally: as an experiment, I've started to write this story from Audrey's 1st person perspective on my facebook notes. So, if you're interested in seeing how this 3rd person telling differs, or if you'd rather read it from Audrey's POV, feel free to go check it out. Some days I'll be writing this part first, some days I'll be writing that part first. Either way, each day, each post will have about equal amounts of the story (so as not to give something more away here or there).
Now you know: also if a post is started/ended with a line or two of text regarding where to find other information and or "to be continued" those are notes from me, they are not meant to be read as part of the story itself. From this point on, any notes about the story and not of the story (like this entire post) will be blue instead of purple.
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