Well, I've had an interesting last 20 hours or so! I was here at work, like any other Tuesday, until noon when I would have usually left to head down to my job in Corona Del Mar, but I found out that I wasn't needed yesterday, so when I got off and got a call from a couple of friends about going to lunch I was definitely down for that! After lunch I went to Starbucks to work on getting my time-sheet together for the job that I wasn't going to that day. I spent a while there getting caught up in chatting with friends, catching up on my blogs I read and things of that nature. Around 4pm, I decided to leave Starbucks and go do something else for an hour and a half until I went to watch Rear Window, back on campus. Well, while I was trying to figure out what to do with my time, I drove over and get some gas in my car. When I was getting out of my car, I had my keys, wallet, and cell-phone in hand, then I realized that my keys wouldn't fit in my pocket and I set them on the seat, intending to leave the door open or unlocked but then I remembered that I hadn't popped the door to the gas take yet and so by the time I did that I was in normal leave the car mode and locked the door as usual and closed it behind me. Not thinking about what I'd done, but moving automatically, I pumped my gas and then after getting my receipt, I walked back to my car door and...thinking ok, my wallet's here, my cell phone's here, my keys are....oh no! my keys are on the seat! Taunting me through the window! So I immediately call the people who have copies of my car key and although they're both out near Pasadena, one of them comes to my rescue. Of course, by the time I've called it's pushing 4:30 and traffic has started, so I was stuck outside, without my coat, as the sun is slowly setting around me at a gas station. I went and wandered around the convenience store, which wasn't that much warmer than outside was getting and I avoided curious stares from the people around me. There were a few kind bystanders who asked what the matter was, but they couldn't help much. There was one of the gas station employees who was a sweet older gentleman who chatted with me a bit and I got some time to talk to some friends on the phone while I waited. As my friend got slowly closer to me I really started to get cold, it was nearing 6pm and the sun had been set for a while and so I walked over to Little Caesars on the opposite corner to be able to bring some food with me to the movie viewing for the people I was watching with. When I got back, I was standing there for a while when a kind stranger pulled up on the opposite side of the pump and he asked: "how's it going?"
"oh, alright....I locked my keys in the car"
"sorry, can't help ya much with that"
"that happens. I have a friend who's coming to help, she's just been tied up in traffic"
"does she have AAA?"
"no, she has a spare key for my car"
"that's good"
"yeah, I'm glad I did that"
.....here the conversation paused for a while and he was getting back into his truck to leave...I noticed that he looked like he was looking for something in his car.....a moment or two later he came back out of the cab of the truck and asked if I was cold, of course I responded "YES!" or at least in my head that's how I responded, but I just said, "oh, yes". And he offered me this new company shirt he had which was still in it's packaging it was a long sleeve, XL, shirt, but as soon as I pulled it on over my arms, I felt warmer. I thanked him profusely as he drove off and fortunately I only had another couple of minutes to wait before my rescuer showed up! Then it was off to the movie and then eventually off towards home and bed.
Well...the night went smoothly enough, but this morning when I was getting ready, I pulled out my hair straightener to start warming up while I was blow-drying my hair. At some point while I was blow drying, the straightener and a bag that I keep them both in, with a few bottles of hair stuff, etc. decided to jump off the counter and onto my foot! When they landed on my foot, I thought that the pain that I was experiencing was simply from the the heavy bag landing on it. But as I took my time, to move the bag, I realized that the straightener was what was actually causing what I was feeling. So, removing it quickly, I placed it in an area that would prevent it from falling again and put my foot in the sink to run water over it. So as I'm using the evil tool that burnt my foot on my hair, said foot is being soothed by the running water. All I can say is thank God that I'm tall enough and limber enough to not have an issue with putting my foot in the sink! Well, there' my last few hours for ya! I hope you're laughing at/with/near me at this interesting turn of events! Have a great Wednesday!